
Site 185

First Landing Campground Site 185

A small tent that is located on the drive leading up to the Godspeed boardwalk.  The campsite backed up to the marsh.  The common area behind it appeared to be partially flooded after a heavy rain. It is private to the left and in the front, but open to the main group camping area.

Site 159

First Landing Camping Site 159

This 30 foot site is small and located  across the street from the beach side of the dunes, is directly next to the Percy Bathhouse, and is near the Susan Constant boardwalk.  There are not many trees to shield the site so it is fairly open and not very private.

Site 145

First Landing Camping Site 145

This 30 foot campsite sits at the top of Wingfield loop and is across the street from the beach side dunes.

Site 124

First Landing Camping Site 124

This site is located near the bottom of Wingfield loop.  It has a small parking area in the front and a level, large-sized campsite that is heavily shaded. It has a direct view of military fencing which runs across the entire rear section of the site.  It is a nice, large sized site with camping Site 124

Site 66

First Landing Camping Site 66

Tent site 66 is a smaller site that is on the main park road.  It is a smaller site and sits within 100 feet of Shore Drive.

Site 12

First Landing Camping Site 12

Campsite 12 is a small open 20′ site that it sits directly adjacent the fence along Shore Drive to its rear.  It is very open and not private.