
Site 151

First Landing Camping Site 151

This 50 foot site is located across from the dunes and Yurt 3.  It is partially private.   Due to the trees, it has low clearance in the front so bring pruning loppers to trim back any nuisance branches.  It backs up the large common area with a sand pit in the clearing.  Good spot to Site 151

Site 153

First Landing Camping Site 153

This 20 foot site is located near the intersection of the Percy and Wingfield loops and sits across from the Susan Constant boardwalk.  Due to the trees, it has some low clearance (around 10 feet) so bring some pruning loppers to tame back the smaller branches.  It is very private and has a huge camping Site 153

Site 111

First Landing Camping Site 111

This tent site is located near Read loop.  It has ample, level parking in the front and spacious camping to the right, with access to the large surrounding common area.  It is extremely private and has full shade.  The ground is compacted dirt covered in mostly pine-straw needles.